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North Carolina Accreditation Support Through Benchmarking
New legislation to change accreditors every cycle is a heavy lift for many college requiring an enormous amount of time and effort. As part of the process, accreditors are now asking for benchmarking data to their submissions. In this webinar, , Walters State Community College will discuss how they use NCCBP data for their SACSCOC reporting. As a longtime member of the NCCBP, Walters Sate has several years of benchmark trend data that has provided them with a consistent source to include in the process.
Cost and Productivity Benchmarks to Support North Carolina’s 2-year Institutions
Recent proposes to the funding formula for North Carolina community colleges has us all on the edge. In the current higher education environment of decreasing state funding and declining enrollment, community colleges are being held accountable for making informed budget decisions and being overall fiscally responsible. To this end, Walters State Community College participated in the NCCBP’s Cost & Productivity module to provide senior leaders additional data to use in the college's budgeting process.