Traditional Credit Benchmarks/Comprehensive Indicators for Community Colleges

From persistence rates to distance learning outcomes, from student engagement to institutional effectiveness measures, from developmental success to student outcomes, the National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) offers 150+ credit benchmarks that matter most to community colleges.

NCCBP members can create national, regional, and peer comparison reports based on the following normed benchmarks:
Completion & Transfer for Full-Time and Part-Time Students
- Certificate and degree completion rates
- Transfer rates
- Performance at transfer institutions
Retention & Persistence
- College-level course retention and success rates
- Developmental course retention and success rates
- Fall-spring and fall-fall persistence rates
Student Performance
- Success rates in core academic skill areas
- Developmental student success in first college-level courses
- Institution-wide grade information
- Distance learning outcomes
- Distance learning sections and grade distributions
Satisfaction and Engagement
- Noel-Levitz, CCSSE, and ACT student satisfaction and engagement ratings
- Educational goal attainment