2023 Conference Materials
Learn to use the NCCBP benchmarking data from our members…below are the most recent benchmarking presentations from our conference to see how community colleges are using their data to improve student outcomes and guide institutional development.
Keynote Address
Utilizing NCCBP Data for Institutional Analysis, Planning & Improvement
Through data driven decision making, the College of DuPage (COD) focuses on student success and organizational effectiveness by engaging, educating, and empowering leadership on campus and in the boardroom. The program includes a brief overview of the National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) as well as how benchmarking data is analyzed through the Baldridge Criteria Rubric as a tool in engaging, educating, empowering, and informing constituents campus-wide in institutional analysis, decision-making, and improvement.
College of DuPage



VP of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Breakout Sessions
Optimizing Cost & Productivity Data for Academic Units, Student Affairs & Administrative Services in the Business Office & Beyond
This session will focus on OTC's experience with the NHEBI benchmarking platform, the data collection process, and the integration of benchmarking in decision-making campus wide. It will focus on their experience specific to the Cost and Productivity benchmarking module, including Academic Units, Student Affairs, and Administrative Services and how it has influenced decision-making in the business office and beyond.
Ozarks Technical Community College

Facilitating Data-Driven Change with NCCBP Data
The assessment of student success outcomes should facilitate data-informed decision-making at all levels of an institution. For over a decade, National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP) data have been central to South Florida State College’s (SFSC) Core Indicators of Effectiveness and its overall institutional effectiveness process. This presentation will discuss how NCCBP data were incorporated into the College’s Core Indicators of Effectiveness and serve as a mechanism to monitor measurable goals and student achievement outcomes. Participants will also be shown how faculty and staff may use NCCBP data to evaluate a college’s effectiveness and determine the need for potential student success interventions.
South Florida State College