Student Services Benchmarks
Student Services Benchmarks
From academic advising to dining servies, from the bookstore to multicultural student programs, from collegiate recreation services to the registrar, Student Services Benchmarks from the NCCBP offers over 200 benchmarks that can be used to measure the impact of student services programs on the success of students at your institution and compare to other institutions.

New student service benchmarking provides members with measures to evaluate their student services programs in comparison to national best practices and measure their performance against their peer groups—all with the end goals to understand how each program supports student success.
Members can create national, regional, and peer comparison reports based on the following normed benchmarks:
Student Services Departments
Student Services Benchmarks
- Academic Advising
- Auxiliary Services
- Campus Activities Programming
- Career Services
- Civic Engagement & Service Learning
- Clinical Health Services
- College Unions
- Collegiate Recreation Services
- Counseling Services
- Dining Services
- Disability Resources & Services
- Enrollment Services
- Financial Aid Programs
- Fraternity/Sorority Advising
- Health Promotion Services
- Housing & Residential Life
- International Student Programs
- Library
- Multicultural Student Programs
- Orientation Programs
- Registrar Programs
- Student Leadership Programs
- Undergraduate Admission Programs
- Student Affairs Assessment
- Staffing FTE
- Centralized
- Decentralized
- System
- Department Budgets
- Personnel
- Non-personnel by function
- Process and Outcome Measures by Department